General Information
To train social service specialists who are based on the principles of human rights and social justice, have ethical sensitivity, know the society they live in, are sensitive and open to scientific developments, are principled in professional matters, take sides with disadvantaged groups in society, have the skills to increase the social functionality of the client, have professional interview and reporting skills, research, learn and use social resources for the benefit of the client, are effective in interdisciplinary studies, support social change, aim to solve, strengthen and liberate problems in human relations in order to improve the well-being of people and for this purpose, intervene in the interaction points of people with their environment by utilizing theories related to human behavior and social systems, determine deficiencies in practice by using research knowledge and skills, produce social policies and contribute to their development.
The social services and counseling department is a 2-year associate degree program. It is an applied science and profession that is based on the principles of human rights and social justice, supports social change, aims to solve problems in human relations, strengthen and liberate in order to improve people's well-being, and intervenes in the interaction points of people with their environment by utilizing theories on human behavior and social systems.
Akademik Personel
Dekan / Bölüm Başkanı / Müdür
476 213 00 10 Dahili: 00 00
Doç. Dr. Ayşe Nur YILMAZ
Dekan / Bölüm Başkanı / Müdür
476 213 00 10 Dahili: 00 00
Course Catalog
Double Major / Minor Programs
Double Major Program: Allows students to earn a bachelor's degree in a field they are interested in, in addition to their primary field. In this program, students can complete courses in two different fields and earn a diploma in both fields.
Minor Program: Allows students to take a certain number of courses in a field they are interested in, outside of their major. Students who complete the minor program are given an official certificate in that field; however, this does not mean a second undergraduate degree.
- Click here to access Double Major and Minor programs .
Exchange Programs
It offers students the opportunity to study at another university, either domestically or abroad, for a certain period of time. Thanks to these programs, students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, develop their foreign language skills and gain international academic experience. The most common exchange programs include programs such as Erasmus+, Mevlana and Farabi.
- For Erasmus Program.
- For the Mevlana Program tıklayınız.
- For the Farabi Program tıklayınız.
Purpose / Objectives of the Department / Program: To prepare students for professional life by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills in their fields.
Current Status and Future of the Department / Program: It is available in the workspaces tab in the About Us section.
Job Opportunities: It is available in the workspaces tab in the About Us section.
Program Tanıtım Sunusu
Bir bölüm veya programın temel özelliklerini, eğitim olanaklarını ve hedeflerini tanıtmak amacıyla hazırlanan sunumdur.
Address :Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Campus, Tuzluca Vocational School Directorate
- Call Center : 444 9 447
Telephone: +90 476 223 00 10 - Fax: +90 476 223 00 17
- E-Mail:
Program Tanıtım Sunusu
Bir bölüm veya programın temel özelliklerini, eğitim olanaklarını ve hedeflerini tanıtmak amacıyla hazırlanan sunumdur.
- Adres : Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Kampüsü, Tuzluca Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürlüğü
- Çağrı Merkezi : 444 9 447
Telefon: +90 476 223 00 10 - 3405 - Faks: +90 476 223 00 17
- E-posta: